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> November 2019
Jake Kubie of Denver Zoo talks about Denver Zoo Lights
Law Prof Stuart Green on Criminalizing Sex
Chris O’Dea on Hong Kong, and China as a strategic competitor
Grace Fujimoto: "Wanderlust: a Traveler's Guide to the Globe"
Must-read: Mikhal Dekel: "Tehran Children - A Holocaust Refugee Odyssey"
Craig Knippenberg on child psych and brain science
Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Ukraine, Impeachment and more
Stanley Fish: "The First" (Amendment) on NBA/China, hate speech, Trump, etc
Dr. Ka Chun Yu, curator of Museum of Nature & Science new Pixar exhibit
Robert Grossaint and Melissa Craven on keeping Denver Public Schools safe
Two Sides of the Impeachment Story From Two Smart Women
Rabbi Raphael Leban on his "Clean Speech Colorado" efforts
Bruce Santiago, Golden Peak Recovery talks teen vaping & violence epidemics
Jamie Amelio on "Staying Bothered" and making a difference
Nicki Neily of SpeechFirst beats Univ of Michigan's "Bias Response Team"
Tyler Merritt, CEO of Nine Line Apparel on the NFL and Kaepernick
The brilliant and hilarious Carlos Mencia joins Ross in studio
Prof Robert Hardaway on the importance of protecting the Electoral College
Andy McCarthy on the first day of public impeachment hearings
Chris Edwards (Cato Inst) on wealth inequality (and why we shouldn't worry)
Andrew Roberts: Leadership in War
Rep Ken Buck (R-CO) on Day 1 of Trump Impeachment Inquiry hearings
Clint Emerson - The Right Kind of Crazy
Lt. Col Ralph Peters US Army (Ret) on Veterans Day
George Brauchler's thoughts on Veterans Day
Must-hear interview: 104-yr-old Army vet Harold Nelson
Maj. Scott Huesing USMC (Ret) on Veterans Day and more
Ross's Mom on patriotism, her military career and Veterans Day
Michael Gropper: Full Battle Rattle Deli and Cullinary Bootcamp for Vets
Paul Lawrence, PhD, Army veteran and VA Undersecretary for Benefits
Mike Haynie of the Institute for Veterans and Military Familes
Former CO GA House Speaker Frank McNulty on Hickenlooper jet ethics report
Brian Kilmeade: Sam Houston & the Alamo Avengers (& some political talk!)
Trish Porter Topmiller: "King Here" - a story of family, faith & resilience
CU physics prof Paul Beale on the Higgs boson and models of the universe
Ciji Green updates the miracle of daughter Maisie's treatment and recovery
Scott Adams on "Loserthink"
Michael Fields (CO Rising Action) on beating Prop CC and what's coming next
Fmr Rep Joe Walsh (R-IL) on challenging Pres Trump for GOP nomination
Mike Coffman officially declares victory in race for Aurora mayor
MUST LISTEN INTERVIEW: Bill O'Reilly: The United States of Trump
Mike Coffman is the newly elected Mayor of Aurora
Wayne Winegarden on the arrogance of Dems drug price control plans
Guy Snodgrass, fmr comms dir and speechwriter for SecDef James Mattis
Tyler Lyson on his incredible fossil find near Colorado Springs
Carrie Goux on
Mark Hillman on Evangelical Christian support for President Trump
David Flaherty, Magellan Strategies on Election Day turnout, Props CC & DD
ADM James Stavridis, fmr NATO Supreme Allied Cmdr on "Sailing True North"
Nelson and Alex DeMille on their new thriller "The Deserter"
Willie B on fatherhood and Cars for Christmas
Andrew T Walker on Kanye West as the Christian cultural vanguard
Fmr Undersec of State Robert Charles on impeachment, Ukraine and more