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> March 2019
Krista talks to Joshua Sharf, Complete Colorado about Denver Initiative 300
Dan with Sen Cory Gardner (R-CO) on border crisis, Mueller Report and more
Dan talks to District Attorney George Brauchler on Red Flag Law in CO
Krista with Joni Inman, Complete Colorado on Family Leave Bill
Krista talks to Rep Ken Buck (R-CO 4) about Mueller Report and aftermath
Dick Wadhams talks to Weld Co Commish Barb Kirkmeyer on SB 181-Oil/Gas Bill
Dick Wadhams with David Flaherty, Magellan Strategies on NPV Polling in CO
Dick Wadhams talks to Joey Bunch on Hickenlooper Green New Deal WaPo Op-Ed
Dick Wadhams talks to Mesa Co Commish Rose Pugliese on NPV repeal campaign
Krista talks to Ahnaf Kalam, CU Denver Student Writer on history curriculum
Krista talks to Thomas Frey, DaVinci Institute on future of the economy
Krista talks to Jennifer Jones Paton of CO BioScience Assoc on Rx imports
George Brauchler talks to Rafer Weigel, Fox 32 Chicago on Jussie Smollett
Krista talks to Walter "Buz" Koelbel Jr on Senate Bill 181 pending in CO GA
Krista talks to with Jesse Paul, Colorado Sun on latest from state capitol
Dan talks to John Malcolm of Heritage Foundation on Mueller Report findings
Dan talks to Rep Doug Lamborn (R-CO 5) about Mueller Report findings
Mark Hillman: Democrats lied to Colorado voters in November
George Brauchler on CO Dems' extreme Red Flag law
Andy McCarthy on initial Mueller Report findings
George Brauchler talks to El Paso Co Sheriff Bill Elder on Red Flag Bill
George Brauchler talks to Weld Co Sheriff Steve Reams on Red Flag Bill
Former CO Gov Dick Lamm on politics now and then, and on multiculturalism
Steve Moore on the Dems' $100 trillion (insane) spending plans
Howard Schultz (fmr CEO of Starbucks) on independent run for president
Dan Mitchell on tariffs, trade deficits, and economic growth
Krista talks to Sean Conway, Weld Co Commissioner on Oil-Gas Bill, Polis
Krista talks to Lindsey Singer of CO Rising Action: tax refund fee loophole
Krista talks to Taryn Finnessey, Senior Climate Change Specialist
George Brauchler talks to Douglas Co Sheriff Tony Spurlock on Red Flag Bill
Liz Mair on being sued by Devin Nunes
Duke University's Mike Munger on "Is Capitalism Sustainable?"
"Super moon" with jet vapor trail (listener photo)
Dan talks to Monument Mayor Don Wilson in-studio about Nat Pop Vote Recall
Dan talks to Rep Patrick Neville (R-45) about recall efforts in CO GA
Dan talks to Tom Good about grass roots effort to recall Gov Jared Polis
Dr. Jean Twenge on why teens and young adults are more depressed than ever
Thomas Germain (Consumer Reports) on hidden info in your digital pics
State Sen Ray Scott (R-SD 7) on the threat of SB181 (oil/gas regulation)
Tom Krannawitter on Dems looking to change rules on SCOTUS, NPV and more
Jason Delisle of AEI on capping (grad) student loans
David Genova, CEO of Colorado RTD, on projects, goals and funding
Krista checks in with Jesse Paul for his weekly report from state capital
Dan talks to author Alex Berenson about his book "Tell Your Children..."
Dan talks to pollster Floyd Ciruli on voter reaction to CO oil and gas bill
Dan talks to Mesa Co Commissioner Rose Pugliese on Natl Pop Vote initiative
Rep Chip Roy (R-TX) on fiscal responsibility and presidential emergencies
Buz Koelbel on the economic threat of SB181 to Colorado
Monument Mayor Don Wilson on repealing National Popular Vote
Krista talks to Jared Staudt, Catholic Scholar on St Patrick origin story
Krista talks in-studio w Rep Patrick Neville (R-45), House minority leader
Dan talks to attorney Craig Silverman about The Case of the Naked Pilot
Bill Elder, El Paso County Sheriff, on unconstitutional "Red Flag" law
Dan talks to Polly Lawrence, Fmr CO GA Rep (R-39) on R moderate rebranding
CO Gov Jared Polis on oil/gas, Red Flag, the constitution, and sock/shoe
Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI) on presidential emergencies and our national debt
CO Sen Minority Leader Chris Holbert on battling Dems on policy & politics
Jay Ratliff on whether he'd ground the 737 MAX 8
Nathan Latka, Author and Entrepreneur
Brad Wann on the DougCo GOP resolution against Red Flag & county sheriff
Krista talks to Richard Turnquist, To Advance Freedom on Family Leave Bill
Krista talks to Jonathan Sciarcon, DU Dept of History on Omar's Israel take
Krista talks to Jonathan Butcher, Heritage Foundation on Special Needs Kids
Dan talks to Michael Boyd, President of Boyd Group Int'l on Boeing Max 8
Dan talks to Mary Clare Amselem, Heritage Foundation on FBI/Academic Fraud
David Keating, President, Institute for Free Speech, on HR1
Krista talks to Kent Holsinger, Holsinger Law on new water and gas bill
Krista talks to Jesse Paul, Colorado Sun on latest news from state capital
Ross Report 3-11-19
Barb Kirkmeyer, Weld County Commissioner, on oil/gas and Red Flag bills
Krista talks to Brian Aucone of Denver Zoo about Yuri, 8-yr old Amur tiger
630 KHOW Programming Schedule
C.J. Box on his great new novel, "Wolf Pack"
Meghan Casey - Check out the Rocky Mtn Poetry Slam on Saturday 3/9 7 PM
Ken Buck on his vote against the Dems' "anti-Semitism" resolution
Jim Campbell of Alliance Defending Freedom on what's next for Jack Phillips
George Brauchler and Ross debate the death penalty
Krista talks to Mark Hillman, RNC Committeeman on CO GOP Infrastructure
Krista talks to Kristin Strohm, President of Common Sense Policy Roundtable
Dan talks to Amy Kremer, Women for Trump on overreach by American left
Dan talks to Rep Dave Williams (R-15) on El Paso Co as 2A sanctuary county
Dan talks to Weld Co Sheriff Steve Reams on Red Flag Bill
Joel C Rosenberg and The Persian Gamble
David Harsanyi on Democratic Party anti-Semitism
Pat Rosenstiel argues for the National Popular Vote (I'm not buyin' it.)
Bishop Karen Oliveto on the Methodist "schism" over LGBTQ questions
Jeff Hunt of Colorado Christian Univ on Jack Phillips/CO ending lawsuits
Steve Gar, Israeli (by way of South Africa) terrorist-hunter & future rabbi
Rose Pugliese on her efforts to stop Nat'l Popular Vote in Colorado
Jehmu Greene on Pres Trump, Democratic "oversight" and Ilhan Omar
Krista talks to Rep Adrienne Benavidez (D-32) on her Columbus Day bill
Krista talks to Rob Natelson, Independence Institute on Red Flag Bill
Krista with Jim Campbell, Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips' lawyer
Dan talks to Rep Patrick Neville, R CO GA minority leader on Red Flag Bill
Dan talks to Jim Campbell, Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips' lawyer
CO State Sen John Cooke on Dem's attack on oil/gas and on 2nd Amendment
CO State Sen Jerry Sonnenberg on Dem efforts to destroy oil/gas industry
Dan Haley of the CO Oil & Gas Assn on SB19-181 (kills oil/gas industry)
Dan talks to David Harsanyi, Senior Editor - The Federalist
Elizabeth Peetz on Denver's Initiative 300 "Right to Rest")
Krista talks to Kristi Burton-Brown about anti-charter school bill in CO GA
Krista talks to D.A. George Brauchler about his death penalty op-ed
Dan talks to Dick Wadhams, GOP strategist about John Hickenlooper 2020
Dan talks to Nick Loris, Heritage Foundation on Green New Deal
Dan talks to former US Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-NY) on Hickenlooper 2020
Dan talks to Kristi Burton-Brown updating pending Sex Ed Bill in CO GA
Krista talks to Dr Steve Nash: Da Vinci exhibit at Museum of Nature/Science
Bob Saget joins Ross in studio!
AFP's Martin Rodriguez: CO bill aims to make us pay for charging stations
FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr on 5G, Net Neutrality, and censorship
Stacey Stegman, spokesperson extraordinaire, on DIA renovation delays
Shawn Tuma on the plague of robocalls