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> October 2020
Casper Stockham makes final pitch for voters in CO-7 against Ed Perlmutter
McScuse me?! The McRib is BACK and people are losing their minds
If 'evil genius' Trump thinks he's winning, Michael Moore believes him
Twitter CPB suspended after touting the border wall
Comparing Trump and Biden's messages
National security advisor warns of China as a threat if Biden wins election
RNC Chair says Americans are afraid of Democrats leading them to socialism
Andy McCarthy (Nat'l Review) on why he's voting for Trump
Judge Jim Gray on Libertarianism and voting practicalities
Perry Pendley (Bureau of Land Mgmt) on fires, fracking and more
Seema Verma (CMS chief) on Medicare open enrollment & lower prices
Sen Cory Gardner (R-CO) on questioning Twitter's Jack Dorsey, 2020 Election
Lauren Boebert on her CO-3 Congressional campaign with five days to go
Can Trump win Michigan... again?
Tucker Carlson on 'racism, sexism' of mispronouncing Kamala Harris's name
Amity Shlaes' new economic history, "Great Society"
More information concerning the Hunter Biden scandal arises
'Democrats enabled the mob' says WH Speaker Kayleigh McEnany
Ted Cruz grills Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Hunter Biden story censoring
Supreme Court allowing extended deadline for absentee ballots in PA and NC
Alveda King: "Equality Proclamation" to stop discrimination in abortion
Ramesh Ponnuru (National Review) on why he can't support Trump
Connor Boyack: Socialists HATE the Tuttle Twins
Chris Fusiler, Blake Street Tavern owner is closing MWF due to restrictions
Ben Domenech on Michigan/Wisconsin anecdotal evidence he saw, defying polls
Tony Bobulinski interview proves Trump right - media IS enemy of the people
The Trump team is investigating a cyber-attack on their website
Only half of requested mail-in ballots have been turned in
Comparing the Trump rallies to Biden's seclusion
White House points the finger at Democrats over the chaos in Philadelphia
Monica Crowley (Asst Sec of Treasury) on the Trump economic record/agenda
Lindsay Datko on the importance of, & data supporting, in-person schooling
Sen Cory Gardner talks about his re-election campaign, COVID and 9-8-8
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila on Prop 115 limiting late-term abortion in CO
Jenna Ellis, Trump Legal Adviser on ACB confirmation, campaign stretch run
Reading the tea leaves for re-election chances of #OrangeManBad
Mayor Hancock's sliding scale for COVID lockdowns vs. "Terror threat level"
Dennis Quaid: Singing with Robby Krieger, flying jets, and sock-shoe
GOP Senators react to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett
Joseph Edlow (USCIS): New rules for companies that want H-1B visa hires
At least 30 officers injured during the riots in Philadelphia
Steve House: How I can win a CO swing district in 2020 (vote for Steve!)
Trump team predicting 'record' economic growth if Trump wins the election
Watch Clarence Thomas swear in Amy Coney Barrett at the Rose Garden
Krista Kafer on push to vote YES on CO Prop 115, banning late-term abortion
Harris awkwardly laughs in interview - set to Curb Your Enthusiasm theme
Viva la Trump! Latinos turn out 30,000 strong for rally in Miami
Kamala Harris has an important 'tell' - her awkward, nervous laugh
Jerome Hudson): "50 Things they don't want you to know about Trump"
What if the Hunter-Biden scandal happened to the Trump family?
Sen. Cory Gardner on what a Democrat majority Senate would look like today
Mark Meadows speaks on rumors of Trump firing FBI Director after election
Sen Ron Johnson (COVID-free!) on what's at stake in the 2020 election
Lindsey Graham speaks on Biden's comments on the oil industry
Born to Run: Trump drills Biden on oil in final debate, but can he win?
Thanking Trump for his love letter to Black Americans, from Moya in Boulder
Trump says COVID lockdowns are all Biden and Democrat governors talk about
Why Biden's debate answer on oil may have just cost him Pennsylvania
America is not just 'an idea,' Joe - and yes, we've lived up to it
We didn't start the fire, but God bless those putting it out
Lindsey Graham blasts Democrats for skipping the Amy Coney Barrett vote
Tony Bobulinski claims Joe Biden knew of Hunter Biden's dealings
Trump slams Biden with allegations of profits from China and Russia
Don Jr. gives his review of the final debate
Al Pitrelli (Trans-Siberian Orchestra) on 2020 holiday concert (streaming!)
Sarah Anderson, Dir of Policy at Freedomworks: education key issue in 2020
Trent England: Why we have to protect the Electoral College
Tom Bevan (RealClearPolitics co-founder) on debate and 2020 election
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) sizes up stretch run of race vs. Hickenlooper
Steve House on his House race vs Jason Crow in CO-6, Trump vs Biden debate
Ben Murrey (Independence Institute) and Ross talk about CO ballot measures
Krista Kafer's arguments in favor of CO Prop 115 (banning abortion >22 wks)
Tony Francois (Pacific Legal): How to force the feds to clean forests
Jessica Anderson on how President Trump can appeal to suburban voters
A police officer was disciplined for wearing a Trump mask while voting
CDC redefines what "close contact" means concerning COVID-19
Chris Cuomo called out over his mask hypocrisy
Donald Trump Jr. sounds off on bias before next presidential debate
ADM James Stavridis on character, the Middle East, Russia, China/Taiwan
"Unspoken Symphony": Remarkable tech to help special needs kids communicate
Ahnaf Kalam: Is Aurora's next state house rep an Islamist?
Will the new debate rules help or hurt President Trump?
Students in Pennsylvania compare the 2020 and 2016 elections
The FBI has possession of Hunter Biden's laptop
Department of Justice files antitrust lawsuit against Google
Trump 2020 A Man vs. A Movement
Pennsylvania voter registration rolls shows Republicans closing gap on Dems
'Toobin' becomes unfortunate verb after Jeffrey's 'Zoom' call
Joel Patterson: Can people talk about politics in the workplace these days?
CO State Sen Owen Hill: Prop EE being challenged as corrupt (I think it is)
FBI traced kidnapping plot of Gretchen Whitmer back to a protest months ago
DNI Director John Ratcliffe dismisses link between Biden laptop and Russia
ICE Acting Dir Tony Pham: enforcement actions in Denver & other sanctuaries
A California ballot box was set ablaze, burning over 100 ballots
Trump calls on Attorney General to act on Bidens' 'tremendous corruption'
Jeremiah Elliott speaks publicly for first time since Lee Keltner shooting
David Proctor, Students for Trump at Colo Mesa Univ on campaign stretch run
Why Hunter scandal is important, and why Joe is compromised internationally
Upon his producer's escape from Michigan, Michael welcomes Ryan back
What will Senate ask Big Tech during their testimony?
KT McFarland (Fmr Dep Nat'l Sec Advisor) on Pres Trump, Flynn, China & more
Sen. Cory Gardner will vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett's nomination
Trump's campaign weighs in on the upcoming debate
FBI investigating Hunter Biden's emails link to a foreign intel op
Kristi Burton Brown: Is CO Sec of State Griswold politicizing her office?
Lt Col Mike Foss (US Army Ret): Please support the Warrior Bonfire Program
VA Secretary Robert Wilkie on caring for vets in the western US & much more
Joe Biden pressed on his reluctance to address court packing concerns
FCC Chairman to clarify the rules that shield social media companies
Steve Melink makes a "conservative" argument for "green energy"
Suspect arrested for setting fire to police car with officer inside
Steve Scully suspended by C-SPAN after lying about the Twitter hack
Dr Paul Lawrence (VA USec for Benefits) will host CO tele-townhall 10/20
Lauren Boebert makes her case for the Colorado House seat
Matthew Dolloff charged with 2nd degree murder after shooting Lee Keltner
Why legislate when Twitter and Facebook can do it for you?
We need less Hunter Biden and more Teddy Roosevelt
Chuck Grassley praises Amy Coney Barrett's performance during questioning
Are certain networks glossing over the Hunter-Biden report?
First Lady, Melania Trump reveals son Barron has tested positive for COVID
Lindsey Graham confronts Dems over their treatment of Amy Coney Barrett
Matthew Durkin for JeffCo and Gilpin District Attorney...this is a key vote
Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst, on the Hunter Biden bombshells
Best-selling author Brad Meltzer's two great new kids' books
Project Veritas uncovers link between violent Our Revolution chair, CO Dems
Hunter Biden's hard drive reveals hard drugs and hardball politics
Amy Coney Barrett fields incoming fire with aplomb, and without notes
Details on the shooting at the 'Patriot Rally' in Denver
Mitch Murray, GOP candidate for DA in 8th District (Larimer & Jackson ctys)
Amy Coney Barrett hammered by Democrats on religious concerns
Suspects accused of plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in court
Democrats focus primarily on healthcare during Senate hearing
Michelle Lyng: Prop EE (tobacco tax hike) is a Bad Deal for Colorado
Monty Python: The Funniest Joke in the World
Olivia Perez-Cubas: Winning for Women (female GOP House/Senate candidates)
9NEWS "Race for the Senate" Gardner-Hickenlooper debate (10/13/20)
Michelle Malkin on 9 News hire of unlicensed security guard Matthew Dolloff
Judge Jeanine Pirro on Amy Coney Barrett nomination, Biden on court-packing
Battle of the Amys: Klobuchar vs. Coney Barrett in Tuesday Senate hearing
Dr. Birx on the 'silent but deadly' spread of COVID, a usually loud virus
Ross's 2020 CO Ballot Issues Voter Guide is here!
Amy Coney Barrett has 'no agenda' when it comes to Roe V Wade
Rose Pugliese: Vote NO on Prop 113! Protect CO's Electoral College votes!
Listen to Amy Coney Barrett's opening statement in full
Simon Lomax: Vote Yes on B to prevent big jump in commercial property taxes
Lindsey Graham warns what is at stake in the upcoming election
Chuck Grassley accuses Dems of lying during the Amy Coney Barrett hearing
Scott Lincicome (Cato; The Dispatch) on the myth of middle-class stagnation
John 'Tig' Tiegen says 9NEWS is complicit in shooting death of Lee Keltner
Hypocrisy abounds on Day 1 of the Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court hearings
If Pinkerton didn't contract Matthew Dolloff to work for 9NEWS, who did?
Greg Reinke: The Haunted Mansion...and a crazy and terrible COVID story
Trump holds first public event since his COVID-19 recovery
Sen. Cruz speaks on 'court packing' ahead of Amy Coney Barret confirmation
Who will win Ohio in the election?
President Trump teases more declassified documents on Russia probe
Brent Murphy was a student of and clerk for Amy Coney Barrett
John "Tig" Tiegen on Satuday's "Patriots Muster" where a man was murdered
Kristen Day, Democrats For Life on CO Prop 115, ban on late-term abortion
Lauren Boebert on final month of CO-3 campaign against Diane Mitsch Bush
With 25th amendment, is Pelosi laying groundwork to remove... Biden?
Big Gretch cries foul when Trump punches back on 'white supremacist' blast
State Rep & fmr game warden Perry Will: Just say no to wolf reintroduction
Deputy Interior Sec Kate MacGregor on court killing Obama methane rule
Alexandra Hudson: "Patriotic education" isn't necessarily a good idea
The FBI gives updates on the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
Pelosi criticized over push to remove Trump using the 25th Amendment
Did China censor Vice President Pence's debate comments on COVID-19?
Merrick Rosenberg: Do presidential personalities win elections?
Trump warns the US will become a '9th world country' if Biden wins
My article: Ground those Helicopters, Mr. President (re COVID bailouts)
Biden: "You'll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over."
Happy Birthday, Tamara!
FBI thwarts Michigan Militia conspiracy to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer
34 people have tested positive for COVID at the White House
Harris and Pence address SCOTUS nomination and Roe V Wade
Trump refuses to attend the second virtual debate
Breaking down Kamala Harris and VP Mike Pence's debate performances
John Pence (Trump campaign advisor & Mike Pence's nephew) on the VP debate
Cyrus Krohn: Digital media is assaulting democracy. (This will scare you.)
Trump advisor/economist Steve Moore on the VP debate, tax cuts and more
Fun book for you: Tyler Maroney - "The Modern Detective"...check it out!
Rep. Debbie Lesko (D-AZ) on importance of Amy Coney Barrett nomination
Steve House counters Crow: Aurora’s ICE facility is safe, clean, necessary
Here's what COVID looks like compared to the flu
College students give their opinions on the outcome of the 2020 election
How will COVID affect the vice presidential debate?
Donald Trump Jr. speaks on the declassified Russia documents
Nicole Neily (Speech First) on student self-censorship and speech codes
Jon Caldara and Ross discuss Prop 116 (tax cut) and Amendment B (Gallagher)
Jon Caldara suing Boulder Valley School District re his son's special needs
FDA Director Dr Stephen Hahn on new vaccine guidelines & Eddie Van Halen
Atty Josh Blackman on presidential succession controversy
John Kellner (R), candidate for District Attorney in 18th Judicial District
Remembering Eddie Van Halen (1955-2020), another Gen X rock god passes away
Another Moment of Biden: Joe's bizarre comment about dancing young girls
WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany speaks out after her COVID diagnosis
Bill O’Reilly on "Killing Crazy Horse" and what Trump has to do now
Deputy Sec of Energy Mark Menezes on Colorado and electrical grid security
Critics slam NBC's town hall with Joe Biden
New York City is imposing new restrictions on COVID hotspots
Trump gives his supporters a thumbs up as he leaves Walter Reed
David Reynolds: ABE - Abraham Lincoln in his Times (& John Brown!)
Tom Fitton: Judicial Watch is suing Colorado over erroneous voter rolls
Mark Miller (Pacific Legal) on the upcoming SCOTUS session & more
Edward Hess: Hyper-Learning - How to Adapt to the Speed of Change
Kathleen Chandler (Independence Inst): How to get on a local gov't board
Wayne Laugesen, Gazette Editor says Gardner clobbers Hickenlooper in debate
Deacon Geoff Bennett with update on Prop 115 to outlaw late-term abortion
Senator Cory Gardner recaps Friday debate with Hickenlooper in Pueblo
Transition Integrity Project plans scenario, should Biden refuse to concede
History repeats itself 100 years later: Pandemic, Revolution in the streets
President Trump briefly leaves treatment to greet supporters
Roe v Wade and its relationship with Amy Coney Barrett
Chinese state media outlet mocks President Trump's COVID diagnosis
White House optimistic about President Trump's return today
Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI) discusses his positive COVID19 diagnosis
Mark Smith, campaign strategist on impact of Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis
Don Lemon, Nancy Pelosi can't help but blame Trump for his COVID diagnosis
President Trump and Melania contract COVID-19; What it means for America
Trump campaign official Erin Perrine addresses comments on the Proud Boys
Trump gave his own review of the debate with Biden in an interview
How will Trump's positive COVID-19 results affect the election?
Trump clears the confusion and condemns the Proud Boys
CU Physics Prof Paul Beale on the total amount of matter in the universe
Will Allison of Energy in Depth on the massive threat to CO of SB 181
Mike Macklin on new apprenticeship programs in CO Community Colleges
Interior Sec David Bernhardt on wildfires, Pres Trump's COVID, BLM & more
Atty Andrew Miltenberg on Judge Barrett & due process for college students
Grover Norquist: Tax policy and the first presidential debate
Chris Wallace as debate moderator was a disgrace to journalism and America
Trump is betting on his base to make 2020 a 'turn-out' election
For What It's Worth: Getting verified on social media, does it matter?
Voter's from Pennsylvania give their opinions on Biden's debate performance
Lara Trump says she is 'very proud' of Trump's debate performance
Senator Josh Hawley speaks on Biden avoiding court-packing question
Trump answers questions from press after debate with Biden
Fmr CO State Senator Ron Stewart on why he opposes Amendment B
Daniel Yergin: "The New Map", on energy, geopolitics, and new Cold Wars
Jonathan Williams (ALEC): red state/blue state economic reactions to COVID
Cole Wist: Proceeding now on Barrett nomination is least political path