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> March 2020
Dr. Jeremy Levin, bio/pharma CEO on finding vaccine/treatment for COVID-19
Thomas Massie: Why I tried to make congress actually do our jobs
Judge Andrew Napolitano discusses limits on gov't power during virus
Yaron Brook on the pros (if any) and cons (many) of the $2.2T virus bailout
VA Secretary Robert Wilkie on helping veterans through coronavirus
Gov Jared Polis on "chasing a ghost" and R0 aka "R-naught"
Amanda Moriuchi: Denver's AppIt Ventures offering free app for restaurants
A fascinating interview of Dr. Anthony Fauci
Dr. David Opperman (CO Voice Clinic) joins us daily w/#coronavirus updates
Chris Fussell: Applying lessons from fighting al Qaeda to coronavirus
Cheryl Talley reminds us of how to help Coloradans thru Catholic Charities
Non-profits helping Coloradans during #coronavirus that could use your help
Links to Colorado coronavirus stay-at-home order and FAQ (and Queen PSA)
Cheryl Talley with Catholic Charities tells us how to help those in need
CO Gov Jared Polis on his stay-at-home order and what's (possibly) next
Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the CDC, on US response to #coronavirus
Arapahoe County Sheriff Tyler Brown on enforcement of CO stay-at-home order
Chris Brown on the economic impact of #coronavirus on Colorado
CO House Minority Ldr Patrick Neville on the Tri-County stay-at-home order
George Brauchler on potential prosecutions of stay-at-home violations
Your Support is Needed
Info (subject to change) about gov't virus-response loans to small biz
Ken Buck on the upcoming coronavirus response bill...and lasagna
Steve Moore on the economic impact of and response to coronavirus
Listeners' ideas for shows to binge-watch while you're stuck at home
Rolling Stone writer Andy Greene with the untold stories behind The Office
Neighbors helping neighbors...great for a laugh on a day when we need one.
Dr. David Opperman on coronavirus symptoms, path of spread, and more
The great articles I shared on the show today
Julie Bogart on advice for sudden, mostly-involuntary homeschooling parents
Sen Ron Johnson on gov't response to coronavirus
Dr. Lori Reisig (Littleton West Animal Hospital): Coronavirus and your pet
Sen Cory Gardner on self-quarantine and the gov't's response to coronavirus
Thomas Cleland on teaching a computer to smell (This is so cool!!!)
Tom Krannawitter: What wouldn't you let gov't do for public health?
Christian Toto on how the movie industry is responding to coronavirus
ADM James Stavridis (Ret) on coronavirus and how the military might help
Adrienne Raphel on "Thinking Inside The Box" with crossword puzzles
Jon Najarian (CBOE: DRJ) on trading/investing in the #coronavirus market
Andrew Miltenberg on new Title IX rules re sexual assault accusations
Federico Genoese Zerbi on life in Rome while Italy is basically shut down
Jon Caldara actually praises Gov Jared Polis re "Government Distancing"
Jamie Howard on how to talk to kids about coronavirus
Bill Zimpfer (NBC News Radio): coronavirus and his son (who lives in China)
Neil Shubin: "Some Assembly Required"
Ali Safavi, Nat'l Council of Resistance of Iran on COVID-19 use by regime
Joy Behar Taking Time Off From 'The View' Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
Sen Cory Gardner (R-CO) on LWCF funding and Coronavirus government response
Ed McPherson Represented Led Zeppelin
Alec Garnett Update on Legislation and COVID-19
Jonathan Horn Analyzes President Trump's Speech on COVID-19 Restrictions
Gov. Jared Polis on Declaring State of Emergency
Robert Bryce: "A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations"
Jenna Ellis on Trump's Campaign Suing CNN for Defamatory Statements
Dan Alban (Institute for Justice) on Civil Forfeiture
Brian Wesbury on the economic impacts of coronavirus
Andrew Romanoff on emphatic caucus win over Hick for US Senate nomination
George Brauchler on the Death Penalty for STEM School Suspect
Jenna Ellis, Trump senior legal adviser on President's lawsuit against CNN
Comedian Jessica Kirson in-studio on upcoming performance at Comedy Works
Economist Stephen Moore on Fed rate cut in response to Coronavirus impact
Retired USN Commander Chris Harmer on fallacy of negotiating with Taliban
Arapahoe Co Sheriff Tyler Brown on enforcing Red Flag court orders
Sen Paul Lundeen with monthly update on Colorado General Assembly progress
Jeff Mordock, Washington Times on how FBI failed to stop domestic terrorism
Joey Fratino, President of CU College Republicans on campus politics
Biden/Super Tuesday; Legal Mexican Immigrants Harassed for Supporting Trump
Ted Trimpa reviews Super Tuesday results in Colorado Presidential Primary
Judge Douglas Ginsburg on power of executive branch, individual rights
Super Tuesday Predictions. Joe Biden Too Old To Be President? The Gaffes!
HungTang Ko (GA Tech PhD candidate) on the science of the best fried rice
Charles Fuschillo, CEO of Alzheimer's Foundation on Denver conference 3/12
AG Phil Weiser on "resort fees", robocalls, and avoiding scams
Trent England of Save Our States on why we oppose National Popular Vote
Dana Perino joins Ross re Super Tuesday and coronavirus
Lauren Boebert (girls with guns!) is running for Congress (CD-3)
Dr. Robert Lawson (SMU) on "democratic socialism", Cuban beer and more
Come travel to DC with me and Chuck Ley! (We talk about the trip here.)
Dr. Howard Forman (Yale) on coronavirus - don't panic even as it spreads