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> May 2020
Hear No Evil, See No Evil - Michael ponders tequila with Antonius
Kristi Burton-Brown updates on Initiative 120 qualifiying for Nov ballot
Krista Kafer reflects on Initiative 120 reaching signature goals
Trump's Social Media Executive Order
Michael Munger (Duke University) scares the hell out of Ross
Admiral James Stavridis on Hong Kong, China, Afghanistan and coronavirus
Steve Milloy ( pushes back against climate virtue signaling
Scott Kennedy (CSIS) on US determining Hong Kong to be no longer autonomous
Twitter decides to fact-check Trump on mail-in ballot tweet
Fmr CO House Spkr Frank McNulty on Hickenlooper ethics hearing
Respect the Mask
Senator (and Lt. Colonel) Joni Ernst: Daughter of the Heartland
Gary Owen, Information Security Officer at Wells Fargo on avoiding scams
Reopening restaurants in Colorado; Becoming a nation of 'Karens'
Jenna Ellis, Trump legal adviser on Twitter fact-checking Trump's tweets
Kristi Burton-Brown on Biden and Democrats taking black voters for granted
Financial Incentive for Higher Numbers
Andrew Romanoff (Democrat running for Senate) on climate, health & more
Dr. Scott Atlas (Stanford Univ): COVID-19 shutdowns are killing people
Dr. Thomas McGovern on how to return to church/synagogue/worship safely
Michael Allen is running for District Atty for El Paso and Teller counties
Brian Wesbury: With coronavirus, we're confusing scary with dangerous
Atty Randy Corporon represents C&C Kitchen, suing state/local gov't
Jim Rasenberger: Revolver (highly entertaining Sam Colt biography)
THIS JUST IN - The Money Fairy is not real
The Pandemic of 1968-69
Maj Scott Huesing (USMC ret; "Echo in Ramadi"): thoughts about Memorial Day
Focus on the Covid-19 Death Rate (article from AIER)
Ian Silverii (Progrss Now Colorado) argues for "progressive" taxes in CO
Bill Zimpfer on social media COVID manipulation and more
Restaurants Can Reopen For In-Person Dining on May 27
Paris Dennard on 'you ain't black' comments made by Joe Biden
Michael outlines the mission of Colorado Freedom Force
Judge Emmet Sullivan Won't Dismiss Flynn Case
Michael is OVER IT!
Some Denver-area businesses banning Initiative 120 petitioners
Sen Cory Gardner (R-CO) on COVID-19 response and Colorado re-opening
Government Corruption
VADM John Bird (Ret) of USAA on Memorial Day and
Fmr State Sen Greg Brophy on the pros and cons of mail-in voting
CO State Rep Colin Larson (R-HD22) has a plan to reopen Colorado
Ronald Piervincenzi, CEO of US Pharmacopeia on pharma supply chain & more
Kristi Brown files lawsuit against Polis executive ballot initiative order
Krista Kafer continues push to get Initiative 120 on November ballot
Sweden and the Propaganda War
Todd Inglee, Executive Director - Colorado Beef Council
Attys Chris Murray & Sarah Mercer suing Gov Polis re signature gathering
Mary Scott joins Ross to talk about her "drive-thru" high school graduation
Lara Trump is still the Trump campaign's best spokesperson
Diane Huth: How to prepare for a new career post-COVID19
Enough with the Masks!
Flattening the Curve Isn't Saving Lives
Michael Morell: Unmasking the unmaskers is not OK; leaker should go to jail
Helen Raleigh: China's new anti-foreigner Boxer Movement
Jay Ratliff: How will airlines handle social distancing?
Kristi Burton-Brown on Polis battling Initative 120 late-term abortion ban
Wayne Laugesen, Colo. Springs Gazette on Hickenlooper leaving CO unprepared
Dan spars with Bill in Parker over focus on Polis during COVID-19 pandemic
Michael encourages voters to check governors' powers
Michael Gets Pissed Off At 9-11 Conspiracy Theorists
Fmr Navy SEAL Jason Redman: How to OVERCOME challenges and adversity
Jed Babbin: Judge Sullivan has gone rogue re General Michael Flynn
Gov. Jared Polis on meeting with President Trump and balancing state budget
Speaker of the CO House KC Becker on balancing the state budget
Lauren Boebert - Shooters Grill is open, even if outdoors!
Pastor Brian Gibson: It's time to Peaceably Gather (at church)
Rick Green of on protecting our liberties
Jenna Ellis, Trump sr. legal adviser on personal freedoms during COVID-19
Fmr US Attorney for District of Colorado Michael Norton on church closures
Colorado Atty General Phil Weiser on arguing (by phone) before SCOTUS
Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI) on coronavirus spending & Obama/Flynn scandal
Scott McMillan: Today's flyover to benefit
George Brauchler responds re Qualified Immunity
Jay Schweikert (Cato Institute) on Qualified Immunity
Patrick Neville on the opening and closing of C&C - Breakfast Kitchen
Steven Johnson's mew book Enemy Of All Mankind: A True Story of Piracy
Andrew Miltenberg on Sec of Education Betsy DeVos reforming Title IX rules
Dr. Jeffrey Sikkenga with Mike Rosen talk about The 1619 Project
Steven Milloy joins Mile Rosen to discus COVID impact on US oil production
Beach Boys' Mike Love!!! This Too Shall Pass
Dr Andrew Brookens of Altitude Kidney Health
Ilya Shapiro on CIC Services v IRS (Supreme Court case)
Steve Moore: I expect a U-shaped recovery...and NO MORE BIG SPENDING!
Brad Meltzer: The Lincoln Conspiracy - can't believe it's non-fiction!
Dave Rubin: "Don't Burn This Book" - sharing views without apology
George Brauchler: Colorado should prepare for a crime wave
Ken Whyte: The interesting life of Herbert Hoover
Maria Brusseau: Denver Dumb Friends League and the Furry Scurry!
Mark Chenoweth: Can Ben Domenech be punished for a Twitter joke?
Joseph Saseen - CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy - is Remdesivir a great hope?
Bill Zimpfer (NBC News Radio) - Has Kim Jong Un actually been sighted?
Michael Morell on how the Intelligence Community thinks about pandemic risk
Governor Jared Polis stops by to talk about reopening Colorado
Chris Edwards (Cato Institute): Just say no to more federal safety rules
Rep Justin Amash (MI-3) on seeking the Libertarian nomination for president
Dr Kevin Pham: Is the US actually close to herd immunity against COVID-19?