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> May 2021
Trump embodied everything the radical left wants to change about America
New video captures border still in a crisis despite claims it is secure
Philadelphia paster using boxing and church to help at-risk youth
Senator Ted Cruz introducing a bill banning vaccine passports
GOP lawmakers engaged for not wearing masks; lose committee assignments
White House responds to GOP's counteroffer on spending bill
Millions are expected to be traveling for Memorial Day weekend
Cities seeing surge in crime reportedly will receive federal help
Clay Travis taking over Rush Limbaugh's timeslot
Best-selling author Dale Brown's great new thriller, "Arctic Storm Rising"
Christopher Carosa: Hamburger Dreams (on Nat'l Hamburger Day)
Senate passes bill declassifying COVID origins to American public
College professor declares herself and all whites as 'inherently racist'
Biden now ordering inquiry into origins of COVID
Mass shooting increase causing push for stricter gun laws
More details on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal
GOP Senators refuse to give in; offer another spending counter-proposal
Hackers now targeting smaller, local businesses after pipeline attack
Scholarships being offered alongside lotteries to boost COVID vaccinations
Biden's ATF nominee supports AR-15 bans
Newt Gingrich speaks on his and Trump's new 'Contract with America'
Nicole Saphier: Panic Attack (the politicization of COVID-19) - very timely
Seth Levine & Elizabeth MacBride: The New Builders (American entrepreneurs)
Joe Biden is the most incompetent President ever on foreign policy
We've been lied to by Fauci and others for over a year on origins of COVID
Ohio governor speaks on the COVID vaccine lottery
Manhattan DA convenes grand jury for Trump probe
Biden and Putin planning for Geneva summit
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott explains his bill preventing defunding of police
Biden accused of submitting to Russia
Half of U.S. adults have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine
Jen Psaki questioned over increased crime rates amid police defunding
COVID origins inquiry squashed by Biden administration
Vietnam-era Army Nurse Diane Carlson Evans on the Natl Memorial Day Concert
Ari Cohn (TechFreedom): FL's social media law is unwise & unconstitutional
LCdr (ret) Dr. Donnelly Wilkes: Code Red Fallujah (buy the book!)
Alexis Glick: GENYOUth is helping students cope with impacts of COVID
Great listener photos: The 2021 total lunar eclipse, and a great horned owl
So, about COVID's origins... maybe it leaked from the Wuhan lab after all
60 years ago today: President Kennedy calls for US to put a man on the moon
Senator Rand Paul receiving death threats after vaccine statement
Unknown man enters classroom from nearby homeless camp
A state department memo is encouraging diplomats to support BLM
Rick Santorum speaks on why he was fired from CNN
Biden's $87 million migrant hotel housing contract under investigation
U.S. Secretary of State going to Middle East to work on peace deal
20 State Attorney Generals in opposition of CRT being taught in schools
CNN blasted for double standard as Santorum is dropped but Cuomo stays
Megan Rose: Jobs Without Takers - and the damage isn't just economic
State Rep Colin Larson on gerrymandering and redistricting (important!)
Andrew McCarthy on abortion law: SCOTUS, Mississippi, and Texas
Lori Lightfoot grants media access only to minorities, while Chicago burns
Michael contemplates scam - er, promotion - by United for vaccinated folks
Israel's U.S. ambassador describes call between Biden and Netanyahu
New COVID cases at their lowest in 11 months
White House counters GOP's counter-proposal on infrastructure
GOP working on a bill designed to give local police authority at border
CDC investigate link between teen heart issues after COVID vaccine
Unemployment claims seem to be decreasing
Biden called out on lying about coal miner ancestors and plagiarizing Mao
Gov. Whitmer apologizing after being caught violating her own COVID rules
Bond...Mike Bond! Mike's new novel, "America" is a truly enjoyable read
Ross tells it straight about Israel and its "liberal" American opponents
Priscilla Rahn, CO GOP Vice-Chair on minority outreach by Republican party
Chicago mayor Lori Lighfoot explains 'no whites allowed' interview policy
Chris Cuomo apologizes (kind of) for conflict of interest with his brother
NYT and Wapo called out for lack of coverage on anti-Semitic attacks
Cancel culture is finally backfiring for the left
Are hospitals overcounting COVID hospitalizations in children?
130 individuals being treated after possible directed energy attack in D.C.
Vaccine lotteries are here; get shot and get paid(maybe)
COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act passes Congress; signed into law
Biden publicly addresses Israel-Hamas cease fire
Cuomo collusion uncovered; CNN anchor Chris Cuomo strategizing with brother
Bonnie Addario: The LIVING Room - A Lung Cancer Community of Courage
Libertarian POTUS candidate Jo Jorgensen: Do Americans still want freedom?
Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman wants to restrict (not quite ban) homeless camps
Dr Lee Beers (American Academy of Pediatrics) on vaccinating young teens
Joel Rosenberg: A "hellish" time in Israel and an uncertain path forward
Jed Babbin: How the war with Hamas may change Israel for the worse
Doug Robinson, One Chance to Grow Up chairman on regulating high-level THC
Joe Biden addresses the nation as Israel agrees to cease-fire with Hamas
Geraldo Rivera ignorantly defends Hamas, berates Israel for civilian deaths
AOC claims we were 60 seconds away from living in a martial state on Jan. 6
Biden now applying pressure for Netanyahu to de-escalate violence
Pelosi fines 4 House members for not wearing masks after CDC change
CDC Director washing her hands of mask mandate; declares it local issue
House approves a commission investigating the Capitol riot
Another attack on Trump as New York AG launches criminal investigation
California Democrats investigating the hidden racism in math
House GOP offers yet another counter-proposal for Biden's spending plan
LA Times in hot water for reportedly claiming COVID hasn't harmed economy
New poll: talk radio listeners know more than CNN watchers
State Sen Paul Lundeen on Dem's "transportation" bait-and-switch and more
Joe Barela (CDLE) on "Jumpstart" - paying people to go back to work
Aurora mayor Mike Coffman proposes to ban homeless encampments in the city
New 'woke' US Army recruitment ad backfires with American public on YouTube
Inspired by Demi Lovato, Michael has new pronouns and we must respect them
DA declares deputy shooting of Andrew Brown Jr. justified
Hamas propose a cease fire with conditions
Democratic 'Squad' facing backlash after opposing deporting gang members
Vaccine passports causing some gyms to lose returning members
Kevin McCarthy against commission to investigate Capital riot
Car companies are now facing a shortage after pipeline disaster
Ten year old student goes viral after blasting school board over masks
Ad campaign targets 'woke' companies placing politics over the consumer
Veronique De Rugy: Cash 4 kids is an immoral disincentive to work or marry
Luke Ashton: The PRO Act will destroy my family's business
Now we know how politicians seem to talk "out of their butts" so easily
Spencer Coursen: The Safety Trap (thought-provoking re personal safety)
Fauci gives away the game on masks, vaccinated don't really transmit COVID
Polis looks to force businesses to limit employee commuting, parking access
Cuomo in hot water after earning $5 million from his book on pandemic
Many states confused on CDC's confusing message on masking
Crime rates continue to rise in blue cities after police defunding efforts
Supreme Court to hear Mississippi's ban on abortions after 15 weeks
CDC's eviction moratorium threatened by court ruling
Biden endorsing cease fire in the Middle East
Cuomo's tax release and new mask mandates come suspiciously close together
Veterans worried about 'woke-ism' in the military
Doug Robinson: it's time to regulate THC (marijuana) concentrations in CO
Tamika Mallory: "State of Emergency" for the Black community in America
Jennifer Hadac (RecruitMilitary) on today's Virtual Career Fair for Vets
Economist Brian Wesbury on inflation, supply chains & helicopter money
Owen Klein (Carl's Jr/Hardees) on demand for chicken sandwiches
Melancholy Dr. Fauci starting to realize his fifteen minutes of fame are up
SCOTUS rules 9-0 warrantless seizures of guns violate Constitutional rights
Colonial Pipeline attack causing further inflation in grocery stores
NYT and WSJ report allegations of inappropriate behavior from Bill Gates
Biden slammed for lack of a plan for dealing with violence in Middle East
Joel Greenburg, associate of Matt Gaetz, to plead guilty on federal charges
Gas shortages still a problem for about 14,000 stations
Masks once again dividing and causing confusion across the country
Elise Stefanik discusses the GOP and its plans after replacing Liz Cheney
Tennessee becomes 18th state to end extended unemployment benefits
Howard Kurtz (Fox News "Media Buzz") on media bias and coverage of Israel
Elan Journo: What is "justice" in the Israel-Hamas conflict?
Guy Perelmuter's fascinating new book about technology, "Present Future"
Ben Murrey (Independence Inst): CO Dems burying you in new taxes
Nicole Clapp (American Legion Auxiliary) on National Poppy Day
Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg opposes radical animal rights Initiative 16 (PAUSE)
Happy Days Are Here Again: Throw away the masks, time to get back to normal
Michael goes toodling maskless to local businesses after CDC announcement
Many offices seeing major appointment backlogs as restrictions let up
What is the government doing about cyber attacks?
Virginia parents fed up with school curriculum; looking to oust board
U.S. troops may be pulled from Israel
Colonial Pipeline running again; fuel returning to pumps in southeastern US
Israel amassing troops along Gaza border; satellite images show damage
Liz Cheney gives first interview since ousting from GOP by House
White House pressed on the timing of the CDC announcement on masks
Fox News star, attorney, and former Raiderette Emily Compagno!
Economist Steve Moore on the Fed, inflation, and paying people not to work
Rep Kim Ransom (R-44) fights 'vaccine passports' for workers in Colorado GA
Biden has pinball parts for brains; Susan Rice secretly running government
It's Over! Biden, CDC announces vaccinated people don't need to wear masks
Inflation is on the way as consumer prices spike in past year
Senator Rand Paul vs Dr. Fauci continues
Airlines also feeling the effects of the fuel shortage
GOP held a press conference blasting Biden over unemployment benefits
2 planes collided over Cherry Creek Park yesterday; 0 casualties reported
How will Liz Cheney's exit from GOP affect the party?
Some states are nearly 50% out of gas; fights breaking out at the pumps
Biden speaks on the conflict in the Middle East
Trey Gowdy: Politics, life after politics & more - And come meet Trey in CO
Aaron David Miller: There won't be an immediate Israel/Gaza ceasefire
Columbia Prof John McWhorter on "Nine Nasty Words" (a really fun read!)
Portia White & Delmonte Jefferson: Black smokers and "No Menthol Sunday"
Senate grappling with For The People Act; the latest election reform bill
More violence breaks out between Palestinians and Israelis in Middle East
Sen. Tim Scott speaks on shifting liabilities from police to cities
White House's new journalism policy is causing massive backlash
GOP Representative Andrew Garbarino discusses fighting future cyber attacks
Republican Representative Liz Cheney voted out by House GOP
Gov. DeSantis discusses Florida's state of emergency after pipeline attack
Another Democratic mayor slamming the Biden admin for migrant surge
Rabbi Raphael Leban, The Jewish Experience on Hamas attacks against Israel
Niall Ferguson on his new book, Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe
Joel Rosenberg on the latest unrest in Israel, in real time from Jerusalem
When Armageddon is nigh, Michael will have his maps to help make his escape
Consequences of 2020 election of Biden on Middle East tensions, gas prices
GOP Rep. Liz Cheney under fire from all sides after denouncing Trump
The debate over masks in class is heating up
CIA stands behind their ad focusing on recruiting via identity politics
Newt Gingrich proposes the death penalty for culprits of the cyberattack
Cyberattack causes major gasoline shortage in multiple states
FDA authorizes Pfizer vaccine for ages 12-15 but some parents aren't sure
Calls coming in for Detroit police chief to challenge Gov. Whitmer
Ted Cruz accusing Dems of attempting to federalize elections with new laws
Dr. Todd Porter: It's time to stop school quarantines
James Golden aka Bo Snerdly on his great friend & colleague, Rush Limbaugh
Chris Bail (Duke Univ): Social media polarizes more than it radicalizes
John Kellner, District Attorney on homeless tent cities fight in Park Hill
Olivia Prentzel, CS Gazette on Mother's Day massacre in Colorado Springs
Happy Birthing People's Day Everyone! Women are being erased from existence
Comedians are last bastion of truth-tellers to counter woke cancel culture
Biden answers questions on economy after low April report
NYC veterans denied parade permit
Disney employees latest subjects of 'woke' training
GOP Representative discusses unemployment's effect on small businesses
CDC considering altering indoor mask rules again
6 people dead after gunman opens fire on birthday party in Colorado Springs
Slow job growth making some states push to end extended unemployment funds
White House lets their tactic of hiding Biden slip
Steven Johnson: "Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer"
KT McFarland: US must lead worldwide pushback against China
Anjani Polit (NASA) on the remarkable OSIRIS-REx project
In 30 years, Michael and Ryan will be the Statler and Waldorf of radio
April jobs report numbers are so bad, CNBC analysts had to check twice
MSNBC guest says Republican party is worse that terrorists
Employment slowing down according to lower than expected job report
Biden administration called out on misleading Americans by Democratic Rep.
Chicago liberals facing backlash from their own as gun violence surges
Activists already combating Florida's new election law
Pentagon expecting rogue Chinese rocket to crash this weekend
Colorado mom speaks out after mask rules gets toddler kicked off of plane
Biden chooses identity politics over God on National Prayer Day?
Emily Golden & Ellyn Mantell: "New Golden Rule" and fighting perfectionism
Corey Ross is bringing "Immersive Van Gogh" to Denver
Greg Brophy: Senate Bill 256 is exceedingly dangerous for your #2A rights
GOP Rep Jim Banks (IN-3, RSC Chair): The GOP's unifying path forward
Jennifer Mackin: How biz leaders can manage today's employee challenges
Like a Prayer: Biden puts government over God on National Day of Prayer
The Republic is faltering with Biden's non-existent existential crises
Ari Fleischer comments on the massive amount of spending in the Biden plan
Crime surging in big cities amid attempts at police reform
CNN slammed for their special treatment of Governor Cuomo
Biden administration catching heat for job losses in Pennsylvania
Barry Morphew charged in case of missing Colorado mother
CDC expecting 'sharp decline' in COVID cases by summer
Governor DeSantis bans mask mandates from the state of Florida
Jen Psaki asked about White House's stance on Trump's social media ban
Brad Wann wins the fight to make schools hold life-saving medicine for kids
Michelle Black: "Sacrifice" - A Gold Star Widow's Fight for the Truth
Luke Ragland: CO Dems trying to crush charter schools thru sneaky bill
Tom Krannawitter: What did our Founders think was essential human nature?
Michael boldly declares May 5 'Alan Shepard Day' instead of Cinco de Mayo
'Wokeness' is a horrible disease, but also a weapon used to silence dissent
Could the media help Andrew Cuomo win reelection?
Derek Chauvin's legal team submits motion for new trial
More on CDC and teachers union team effort to keep schools closed
Gavin Newsom being backed by top California Dems amid his recall battle
Biden announces new vaccination goal of 160 million by July 4th
Kevin McCarthy caught on hot mic expressing lack of faith in Rep. Cheney
CIA being ridiculed for its 'woke' advertising appealing to progressives
Juror in Chauvin trial found in photo wearing Black Lives Matters shirt
Mark Hillman: Health care has been harmed by gov't & can't be fixed by more
Dr Steven Koonin's "Unsettled" is the most important book on climate change
Bill O’Reilly:Bill's "state of the union" & "Killing the Mob" (great read!)
Paris Dennard on border crisis, teacher's union influencing CDC guidelines
Michael won't participate in May the Fourth Be With You or Cinco De Mayo
Time to annex El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras to solve the border crisis
Big Tech and White House could be teaming up to survey 'domestic terrorism'
Voters interviewed and asked to rate Biden's first 100 days in office
Laid-off police officers invited to South Dakota
Texas school board candidate against 'wokeness' speaks out after victory
NY, NJ, and CT all announcing plans to fully reopen
Giuliani's son speaks out on the 'politicization of the Justice Department'
Rep Hawley blasts Biden's claims of bipartisan support on spending bill
Ties between letter from American Federation of Teachers and CDC guidelines
George Will on baseball, earmarks, patriotism and the benefits of boredom
CO House GOP leader Hugh McKean's legislative update
Kent Thiry: Redistricting commissions about to be put to the test
Danielle Jurinsky, local restaurant owner on surviving COVID-19 pandemic
Luke Ragland, Ready Colorado on school choice issue in CO General Assembly
Michael lampoons fine details of Polis's Sunday night mask rules dump
Biden wanders through explanation on capital gains, inheritance taxes
Ted Cruz calling on GOP to 'stand up to corporate America'
Biden's Economics Advisers Chair says there will be inflation in the future
Multiple sources retracting stories about Giuliani FBI 'warning'
Texas school board candidates against critical race theory win by landslide
Most non-citizens from India banned from travelling to U.S. due to COVID
Taliban forces attacked U.S. base this past weekend
Portland crackdown happening; new rules issued for arresting rioters
Democrats knocked out of Texas special house election by voters