The mouse that got away (at least briefly)

[See update below the picture]

I thought my wife was kidding the first time she told me: A mouse was bringing up a peanut from the back yard, eating it on the "day bed" up on the deck, and leaving peanut shell and mouse poop. 

She tried one of those plastic traps that a mouse is supposed to walk into and not be able to walk about of. No luck.

Then she took our "rat sapper" and put in it a peanut and some peanut butter on a popsicle stick. The idea is that the mouse walks in to the trap and upon reaching near the back of the trap gets electrocuted. Fast and at least theoretically fairly humane. 

Instead, Kristen found this:

UPDATE: I reset the "rat zapper" and put just a small amount of peanut butter on a piece of paper towel and sent it to the very back of the trap. I put it on the floor instead of on the outdoor couch, to which Kristen said "don't you have to put it up where he normally goes?" (I told her "don't worry, he'll smell the peanut butter.") The next morning, we had a little dead mouse in the trap, so now we're just going to figure out whether there's a mouse clan or whether it was a lone wolf mouse.

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