White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dodges questions about the U.S. Strategy On Countering Corruption. This is where you can find the strategy and read for yourself. Michael recommends page 24 for 'artwork' and maybe, just maybe, it'll say if Hunter Biden selling paintings to China is valid or corrupt.
This is the excerpt from Page 24 on Art:
Art and antiquities markets: The AML Act mandates that the Treasury conduct a study of the facilitation of money laundering, terrorism finance, and other illicit financial dealings through the trade in works of art, which will be sent to the Congress by the end of 2021. The markets for art and antiquities—and the market participants who facilitate transactions—are especially vulnerable to a range of financial crimes. Built-in opacity, lack of stable and predictable pricing, and inherent cross-border transportability of goods sold, make the market optimal for illicit value transfer, sanctions evasion, and corruption. In September 2021, FinCEN issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) to solicit public comment on questions related to Section 6110 of the AML Act, which amends the Bank Secrecy Act by including as a type of financial institution a person engaged in the trade of antiquities. The comment period for the ANPRM ended on October 25, 2021, and FinCEN will adjudicate the comments with a view to issuing an NPRM in 2022.

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