The Situation: Segregated Playground in Colorado

Centennial Elementary has 'Families of Color Night'. Michael is peeved because there's zero local coverage of this story, but it is on Townhall here. There's been a push for segregated spaces for years! Can't have a sign that says 'white', but the one below is accepted. Michael says no matter what is used 'people of color' or 'white' - it's all segregated language.

This is also a violation of the Colorado Constitution Article IX, Section 8. Religious Test and Racial Discrimination Forbidden - Sectarian Tenets:

No sectarian tenets or doctrines shall ever be taught in the public school, nor shall any distinction or classification of pupils be made on account of race or color, nor shall any pupil be assigned or transported to any public educational institution for the purpose of achieving racial balance.

Listen to the full podcast here, uploaded weekdays after the live show.

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