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> December 2019
Scott Huesing (Echo in Ramadi) on the Richard Stayskal Act
Colorado Rangers K-9 working dog Blitz joins Ross in studio!
Charles Payne (Fox Biz and Fox News) on travel, politics and markets
Lauren Boebert on challenging Scott Tipton for District 3 seat in US House
Sharyl Attkisson opines on impeachment, surveillance abuse, and the media
Judge Napolitano on lots of aspects of the impeachment of President Trump
David O. Stewart: "Impeached: The Trial of President Andrew Johnson..."
Rachel Greszler (Heritage) on the downside of paid family leave
DougCo Sheriff Tony Spurlock on 39-year-old cold case murder of KHOW intern
Laura Reiley (Wash Post "business of food" reporter) on the FDA and CBD
Lauren "Hell no, you won't" Boebert is running for Congress (CO-3)
David Migoya (Denver Post) on "metro districts"
ADM James Stavridis (Ret) fmr NATO Supreme Allied Commander on world events
Hawaiian Comedian Kermet Apio joins Ross in studio
Jim Roberts (Heritage Foundation) on USMCA and China trade developments
Michael Barone on how American political parties change...and don't
Kimberley Strassel on #impeachment, #IGReport and more
Tom Krannawitter on slavery, impeachment and more
Kristin Chenoweth on living with chronic pain (and sock, shoe!)
Jed Babbin on "the Afghanistan Papers" - our gov't lied to us for years
Stratus 4 Quartet, part of Sound of the Rockies, joins Ross in studio
Let's give some CO pols a lump of coal for Christmas (or Hanukkah)
Steve Tallant on the risk of buying fake/counterfeit products online
JeffCo Sheriff Jeff Shrader will have to release jail prisoners early
Bo Snerdly wants to inspire & support black conservative voters/candidates
Paul Beale on how to send a space probe to the sun
Paul Musgrave on Mikhail Gorbachev's Pizza Hut ad
Ed Gazvoda of Sustainable Funeral on making your "essence" after you die
Comedian Brad Williams on "Asian dwarf baby" and more
Rep Ken Buck (R-CO) recaps his impeachment questioning of Jonathan Turley
Nader Hashemi, DU Prof of Middle East Studies, on unrest in Iran
Marc Williams, Mayor of Arvada, on managing the challenges of growth
Todd Maul: Please join us supporting Carrie's Cause
Rep Ken Buck (R-CO), House Judiciary Committee on Trump impeachment hearing