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> September 2019
Theresa Payton, fmr White House CIO, on cyber attacks by and against the US
Rep. Ken Buck on Dems' impeachment efforts and CO 2020 election outlook
MIT Economist Daron Acemoglu on "The Narrow Corridor" & the fate of liberty
Alec Garnett on Prop DD, legalizing sports gambling in Colorado
Fmr Russian foreign minister Andrei Kozyrev on democracy in Russia
Andy McCarthy on impeachment and the "whistleblower"
Rep Ken Buck (R-CO) on unredacted transcript of Trump call to Ukraine
Interior Secretary David Bernhardt on new BLM HQ and more
Senator Cory Gardner on Iran, N Korea, the "whistleblower" and 2020
Maj Gen Spider Marks on Iran, Saudi Arabia & the Trump foreign policy team
Charles Payne on markets, the Fed and "Unstoppable Prosperity"
Carrie Severino counters recent NY Times 'correction' on Kavanaugh story
Shannon Bream talks about interviewing Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch
Mark Zaid on the Trump "whistleblower" furor
Dr. Brenda Bausch Dickhoner on education funding problems in Colorado
Brian Wesbury on the Fed rate cut, negative interest rates and more
Michelle Malkin on "Open Borders Inc." and pro-ICE (counter-)protests
Tim Jackson (CO Auto Dealers Assn) on Trump admin ending CA emission waiver
Leigh Richardson on parent-shaming
Yaron Brook debates "Capitalism vs Socialism" tonight in Denver
Michelle Malkin on pro-ICE rally to counter anti-ICE protest in Aurora
Eric Shawn and Todd Crawford on brain aneurysms and the Lisa Foundation
Sen Ron Johnson on Iran, the border, and a possible gov't shutdown
Dr. Tom Krannawitter on Constitution Day, slavery, and more
Dr. David Oualaalou on Saudi Arabia, Iran, and America's relationships
Rep Ken Buck (R-CO) on amendments he offered for Trump impeachment inquiry
Benjamin Powell: Socialism Sucks (as proven by a world-wide beer tour)
Doug Robinson of SMART Colorado discusses gateway of vaping to marijuana
Golden Peak clinical director Bruce Santiago on teen vaping epidemic
Al Pitrelli on the history, success & spectacle of Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Sean Parnell on Afghanistan, peace with the Taliban, and "All Out War"
Scott Turner: Exec Dir of WH Opportunity and Revitalization Council
Comedian Brent Morin joins Ross in studio
Storm-chaser Josh Morgerman on "Hurricane Man" and chasing Dorian
Lee Hartley Carter on Persuasion (this is a must-hear conversation!)
Kurt Barnes, Denver PD on what civilians should do about reckless drivers
William Groner, 9/11 responders' lead attorney
Jed Babbin on the ouster of Nat'l Security Advisor John Bolton
A day set aside to say thank you to the Arapahoe County Sheriff K-9 Unit
Ross shoots Daniel Defense machine gun!
Amy Oliver Cooke, Independence Institute on Polis' 'beef' with Weld County
2020 US Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff (D) on competing with Hickenlooper
Dr. John Huber on why people are scared of clowns
Peter Gentile, producer of "You Are Here: A Come From Away Story"
CalTech physicist Sean Carroll: Something Deeply Hidden
The truly unique Kevin Williamson (National Review): The Smallest Minority
Jeremy Tedesco (Alliance Defending Freedom) on Telescope Media case
Derec Shuler, Classical Charter Network Principal on leaving DougCo Schools
Bob Schaffer, headmaster of Liberty Common HS rejects new CO sex ed law
Steve House announces challenge of Jason Crow for US House District 6 seat
Steve House announces challenge of Jason Crow for US House District 6 seat
Trooper Gary Cutler on new traction laws in Colorado (in effect 9/1-5/31)
Steve House, with lots of interesting ideas, is running for Congress
Steve MUDFLAP McGrew on the life of a conservative comedian
Michael Brown joined Ross on Friday to preview his new KHOW show