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> September 2020
Biden denies Antifa's existence, refuses to answer on packing Supreme Court
Trump HAS condemned white supremacists, including after Charlottesville
Ted Cruz meets with Amy Coney Barrett ahead of her confirmation hearing
Breaking down the presidential debate between Biden and Trump
Determining who won the first presidential debate
Biden deflects the question about packing the court in last nights debate
Tale of the Tape: Breaking down first debate, and what Trump must do to win
Is Dan the Devil's Disciple? Caller Peggy thinks so, and lets him know it
To win tonight, Trump must channel his second debate performance from 2016
Operation Enduring Cluster... - Listener sends patches to Michael and Ryan
Shelby Steele: What Killed Michael Brown? Bad ideas & "White Guilt"...
Tom Papa has some Halloween plans - and check him out at Comedy Works!
Amy Coney Barret's sister says her Catholic faith is a 'non-issue'
Pence and McConnell speak before meeting with Amy Coney Barrett
White House Speaker Kayleigh McEnany speaks on Trump's debate prep
Hunter Ripley “Rip” Rawlings, USMC badass, has a GREAT thriller out today
Some Democrats have refused to meet with SCOTUS pick Amy Coney Barrett
Judge Napolitano has some thoughts on Amy Coney Barrett, #RBG and more
Matt Menza, "unconventional Republican" running for CO State Senate
Wayne's World: Wayne Laugesen, Gazette Editor on new Denver edition
Abby Johnson on choice issue: 'I chose my two abortions out of selfishness'
The only legitimate form of taxation in America is consumption tax
NY Times must reveal shadowy sources who illegally leaked Trump tax returns
Amy Coney Barrett speaks after being selected as the Supreme Court nominee
Corey Lewandowski speaks on Biden debating Trump
White House speaker Kayleigh McEnany slams media reports on Trump's taxes
Trump's SCOTUS pick, Amy Coney Barrett, already under attack from the left
Tay Anderson telling cops 'all you motherf---ers are corrupt' is dangerous
Is Boulder stay-at-home order for 18-22 year-olds Constitutional?
Trump questioning whether or not the election 'can be honest'
Louisville police shooting suspect identified
The Florida AG calls for a criminal investigation into Bloomberg ad
Mitch McConnell responds to criticism over SCOTUS vote
Derrick Levasseur, law enforcement expert for new Tiger King special
Is Colorado losing the "mountain man" psyche that once made us great?
Bill Cadman: CO Amendment 77 will let gambling towns set their own rules
Kevin Lundberg: Unmasked2020 - Colorado's Radical Left Turn
Phil Weiser talks about his trip to DC to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg
State Dept Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus on China, Belarus, and sock-shoe!
Denver activist Alvertis Simmons rebukes Tay Anderson comments on cops
DA George Brauchler on what a driver should do if surrounded by protesters
Gainesville man pulls gun on protesters blocking his car, charges dropped
Michael recounts his retina surgery, while high on Percocet
Senate GOP reports on Hunter Biden's dealings with Ukraine
Vice President Mike Pence defends having large rallies
Trump slammed for his transfer of powers comment
Details on the Louisville protests and riots where 2 officers were shot
Fmr WH police advisor Joe Grogan: Trump followed the science on COVID
Why there are so many people showing up at the dentist with cracked teeth?
George Brauchler: why I did not file charges against Jeep driver
George Brauchler tells why Jeep driver not charged in I-225 protest case
Erin Behrens, Due Date Too Late on Denver Post editorial against Prop 115
Liz Harrington, GOP Nat'l Spokesperson on Hunter Biden-Burisma developments
Discharge petition announced to force vote on COVID-19 bill
Could a shift in the Supreme Court affect Roe v Wade?
Greg Brophy explains legislative redistricting and how you can help
Biden declines to confirm whether he would pack the Supreme Court
Garfield Cty Commissioner Tom Jankovsky on the threat of new oil/gas regs
Mitt Romney is on board for a Supreme Court nomination vote
Jenna Ellis, Trump senior legal advisor on pending Supreme Court nomination
Believe none of what you hear, half of what you see on TV interviews
Lindsey Graham on Supreme Court nomination: 'You reap what you sow'
Woman who sent ricin to White House arrested at US-Canadian border
Doug Collins addresses the Democrat's threat to pack the Supreme Court
New York, Portland, and Seattle designated as 'anarchist jurisdictions'
Trump met with potential SCOTUS Judge Amy Coney Barrett at the White House
Michael Fields (CO Rising Action) argues against Referendum B
Kent Thiry makes the case for CO Amendment B (repeals Gallagher Amendment)
Janet Rowland: Don't retain judge Craig Welling who let a pedophile go free
The 2020 Election now comes down to one person: Amy Coney Barrett
Those who hold the Senate hold the power over Supreme Court picks
Trump has one person to thank in confirming RBG's replacement: Harry Reid
Democrats continued push for mail-in voting shredded by Trump
Trump plans to establish '1776 Commission' to promote patriotic education
Suspicious mail addressed to President Trump intercepted by mail facility
Anthony Pace: Support Freedom Hunters and support veterans
Where does the GOP stand on the Supreme Court nomination?
CO AG Phil Weiser reflects on Ruth Bader Ginsburg (he clerked for her!)
Andy McCarthy on the death and replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Remembering Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020); Impact on '20 Election
Chris Fusilier, Blake Street Tavern on low COVID numbers in Nashville bars
Joining Mandy Connell on KOA; Goodbye to Angie, deployed to the Middle East
Michael's Not-So-Excellent Retina Adventure with COVID-19 Testing
CNN slammed for 'softball' Biden questioning
Scott Lincicome: The CDC's eviction order is truly terrible policy
Phil Weiser on the commemoration of the Babi Yar massacre
John Oates is Live in Nashville and he's sock-sock, left-right
Woodward addresses his interviews with President Trump
Multiple manhunts issued after string of attacks on police officers
Here's where undecided Wisconsin voters stand ahead of the election
Joe Rogan thinks Biden is down for the count, but Trump must knock him out
William Barr's comments on lockdown underscore Polis undermining freedoms
AG Barr says only slavery is greater restraint than national COVID lockdown
Nashville mayor's office caught covering up low COVID numbers in city bars
Are the Democrats terrified of their base?
Allegations of attempted coverup in Daniel Prude bodycam footage arise
Law enforcement working to mend their relationship with their communities
Congressional group reveals bipartisan COVID relief plan
PJ O'Rourke wants a return to civility and discourse...but is that likely?
Susan Aikens and Brittany Rowland: "Life Below Zero"
Steve Milloy ( on "climate change" as election issue
Michael Fields, Colorado Rising Action on ballot initiative limiting fees
Masks vs Vaccine: President Trump addresses in White House presser live
Guilt, fear drive mask-wearing and sheeple willfully comply without a fight
Biden takes questions from reporters in Wilmington, joined live in progress
More attacks on law enforcement after federal officer is shot in Phoenix
Trump speaks on giving power back to law enforcement in town hall meeting
Why was Trump's Middle East peace deal so historic?
Economist Alex Salter (Texas Tech) on the Fed and profits from space
Trump explains why there wasn't a national shutdown response to COVID-19
Lisa Strunk (Common Sense Inst): Paid family/medical leave costs a fortune
James Copland: "The Unelected" have far too much power in our nation
Weird Science - Lockdowns and masks had NO effect on 2020 flu cases/deaths
Flipping the script - a 'Harris-Biden' ticket?
LAPD supporters gather around hospital after officers ambushed
What does an astronaut dream about? Space stories w/Astronaut Terry Virts
Trump will take questions from uncommitted voters in town hall interview
Andy McKean on the importance of Constitution Day
Kyle Mills's new Mitch Rapp novel, "Total Power" is thrilling & frightening
Trump speaks of having a COVID-19 vaccine 'in a matter of weeks'
Two sheriffs ambushed in Compton are expected to survive
Image of 31 year-old LA mom cop shot in ambush working to save her partner
Detroit Police Chief James Craig shows how job is done - take notes, Denver
Dan Haley (CO Oil & Gas Assn) on the threat to CO's energy industry
History has shown us many groups like BLM and Antifa. They don't end well.
Dan Burrows (Public Trust Institute) is suing Sec of State Jena Griswold
Lutheran HS lineman Isaac Abramson: we need a fall football season
Mathematician Po-Shen Loh has a better coronavirus contact tracing idea
Helen & Mark McAllister appeal for CHSAA to reconsider fall football season
Callers Gina, James are black Trump supporters with no time for BLM Marxism
China, Iran, Russia: Could our next 9/11 be brewing now?
End of the Innocence: How 9/11 affects Michael Brown to this day
Senate Democrats have blocked the Republican's proposed COVID-19 relief
New York City gathers to remember the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks
Wounded veteran speaks out against Democrats
Fmr Navy SEAL sniper Jack Carr reflects on 9/11 attacks and "endless war"
Daniel Hoffman (fmr CIA Mid-East Division chief) discusses 9/11
Mark "Oz" Geist of the "13 Hours" attack in Benghazi which happened 9/11/12
Joel Zinberg (CEI): The FDA has backed off their harmful control of tests
President Trump and First Lady Melania attend Flight 93 Memorial
Christian Toto on "Tenet", "Mulan" & the Oscars "Best Picture" requirements
Dan confirms he is considering running against Polis for governor in 2022
Sunny Hostin of The View calls black RNC speakers 'people props'
The thin line between chivalry and chauvinism when complimenting appearance
Small businesses are wary of Trump's executive order on payroll taxes
The White House responds to Trump's controversial COVID comments
Trump announces potential Supreme Court candidates if he wins the election
Audio of Trump's comments on 'downplaying' COVID-19 released
Chris McCabe on Amazon sellers' "brushing" schemes
Byron York (Washington Examiner; Fox News): "Obsession" aka "Get Trump!"
CO Director of Elections Judd Choate answers listener questions
Boris Epshteyn, Trump Strategic Advisor calls Woodward book 'B-S hit piece'
Fauci refutes Bob Woodward book claiming Trump misled public on COVID-19
As a 'public service,' Michael makes his case for 'Biden 2020'
Nine drug manufacturers have signed COVID vaccine safety pledges
Rochester's police chief retires after the death of Daniel Prude
Trump support among minorities remains steady despite media controversy
President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
'King Jared' decrees Broncos can have fans at games, regulates restrooms
Dave Logan on potential for high school football this fall in Colorado
Harris says she's 'proud' of Jacob Blake, but what happened to #MeToo?
Michael wonders aloud what an acid trip would be like for him
Violence erupts within protests on both coasts of the US
Harris and Pence square off in Wisconsin on Labor Day
Seattle police forced to form a human barricade to protect their station
John Bolton discredits report on Trump's disparaging military comments
The IRS wants info from a Bitcoin holder but are their actions illegal?
Joel Rosenberg on COVID in Israel and tells us about his new news sites
Denver Zoo's Flock Party: an evening benefiting Denver Zoo’s animal care
Bill O’Reilly on the 2020 election and the must-read "Killing Crazy Horse"
FLASHBACK, 2019 - President Trump commemorates 75th anniversary of D-Day
Trump slams report he called fallen military members 'losers' and 'suckers'
FLASHBACK: Michael recounts 06 Senate hearings following Hurricane Katrina
Send Lawyers, Guns and Money: Time for tasty tequila and callers too
7 police officers have been suspended after the shooting of Daniel Prude
Facebook is going to ban political ads a week before the election
The science & magic of playing a vinyl album (I love "records"!)
CO Gov Jared Polis on mask mandate, capitol cleanup, school openings & more
The future is coming whether we like it or not. Did COVID-19 accelerate it?
Trump denies Atlantic article accusing him of disparaging military comments
Trump thinks Biden's trip to Kenosha was too little, too late
Brad and Amber Wann are fighting for their son to be safe in school
Sen. Cory Gardner asks, 'Where in the World is John Hickenlooper?'
Hair-pocrite: Nancy Pelosi demands apology from salon owner for 'set-up'
Trump Administration imposing moratorium on evictions is overreach of power
Trump threatens to cut federal funding for cities with violent protests
Protestors face off with police after bodycam footage released
Pentagon says that China is attempting to match military might of US
Antifa versus Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler
Steve House, a year into his campaign for Congress
Lindsey Fitzharris hosts a fascinating and slightly grizzly new show
John Perazzo: BLM is "Marxist Hate Dressed Up As Racial Justice"
Trump claims mailing out 80 million ballots is ripe for fraud and cheating
We've had enough 'advice' dictated to us by 'experts' - just leave us alone
Pelosi's blowout proves Orwell's 'some animals are more equal than others'
Trump's approval rating is increasing in recent polls
Rise in violence around the US becomes the focal point of the 2020 race
Nancy Pelosi visits salon despite it being closed due to COVID restrictions
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler planning to move after protests outside home
EPA Deputy Administrator Doug Benevento: moving mine-cleanup offices to CO
Confessions of a fraudster: Ross discusses a fascinating NY Post exposé
Leo Terrell explains his transformation from Democrat to Trump supporter
Lauren Boebert on her restaurant, congressional race, and visiting DC
Steamboat Institute Freedom Conference videos
John Bandimere, Jr. on 'Stop the COVID Chaos' rally at Bandimere Speedway
Polling expert predicts election night 'Red Mirage' due to mail-in ballots
Trump Derangement Syndrome is fueling leftist riots in American cities
Like Trump in Kenosha, any move a President makes is politically motivated
Portland protestors are demanding Mayor Ted Wheeler's resignation
Trump plans to visit Kenosha law enforcement amid the protests
Biden condemns the violence in various cities but blames Trump for the rise
Jed Babbin: Trump is far better on national security than Biden
DHS confirms federal agents may be sent back into Portland amid the chaos