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> August 2019
R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr (American Spectator founder) talks about David Koch
Michael Brown returns to KHOW! (Weekdays 2 PM - 4 PM starting Tues 9/3)
Customer chaos as China's first Costco shop opens
Jon Caldara: Hick doesn't have an easy path to the Senate nomination
Fmr Deputy Undersec of Defense Jed Babbin on Trump chasing the Jewish vote
Michael Shellenberger: So much that we're hearing about the Amazon is wrong
Fmr Congressman Joe Walsh on challenging Trump in GOP primary
Derec Shuler on arming staff at the charter school he founded
Andy McCarthy: The real "Ball of Collusion" was against Trump, not by Trump
Bob Schaffer's Liberty Common High School leads state SAT scores AGAIN!
Sen Cory Gardner on Hick joining US Senate race, Trump tweet of support
The hilarious Brad Williams joins Ross in studio!
Andy McKean on Constitution Day
Joe Harrington is getting clean mine water to Aurora
Prof Alan Saxe on "faithless electors", the Electoral College and more
Perry Pendley is now acting head of the Bureau of Land Management
Jon Caldara wants to give you a gun (if you don't have one already)
Jay Davidson on corporations, shareholders, "stakeholders", and capitalism
Comedian Dusty Slay - ticket info here for Salida, Boulder and Greeley
Dick Wadhams on prospects for Michael Bennet in 2020 Presidential race
Laura Carno, FASTER Colorado on DougCo Sup't opposing arming teachers
Salena Zito on Cory Gardner, culture wars, and interviewing Mike Pompeo
Milton Friedman: The responsibility of corporations is to increase profits
Ross Izard on upcoming SCOTUS "Blaine Amendment" case
Dan Mitchell on recession talk, the Fed and Brexit
Why You Should Never Borrow Someone Else's Charging Cable
Eric Sondermann discusses his opposition to Hickenlooper 2020 US Senate run
George Brauchler on the insanity defense in Colorado
Get your tickets to The Truman Dinner with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Attorney Darold Killmer on CO Springs police fatal shooting of Devon Bailey
Dr. Marissa Kaminsky on whether mass shooters are necessarily mentally ill
Tiran Graham, Principal Security Engineer for a Fortune 500 company
Mark Meckler, President of Citizens for Self-Governance
Dick Wadhams on Hickenlooper ending Presidential bid, mulling US Senate run
Rachel Sutherland, Fox News Radio
David Bier, Immigration Analyst at CATO Institute
Floyd Ciruli analyzes potential Hickenlooper bid for US Senate
Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips fights against third lawsuit
DPD Chief Paul Pazen on Denver police encrypting radio traffic on scanners
Margaret Everson, Principal Deputy Director of Fish and Wildlife Service
Lonnie and Sandy Phillips, travel and speak with mass shooting victims
Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie
Attorney Jonathan Wood of Pacific Legal Foundation
Tonya J Powers of Fox News
Michael Law, Political Analyst and Author of "The Founders' Revolution."
Christian Toto of Hollywood in Toto discusses the movie "The Hunt."
Mike Coffman, Former Congressman and Aurora Mayoral Candidate
Eddy Aragon, Afternoon host on KIVA AM and FM in Albuquerque
Former NYC Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik
Economist at Heritage Foundation, Stephen Moore on the Ross Kaminsky Show
Rev. Leon Kelly Talks About Hundreds of People Possibly Going To Prison
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Talks About Guns, Reinsurance, Drugs and Prop CC.
Author Garth Stein (The Art of Racing in the Rain) in Studio
Former CIA Officer Dan Gabriel on 630 KHOW
Gov John Hickenlooper tussles with Dan on abortion issue
Cirque du Soleil Corteo Performer Betsy Zander
Colorado AG Phil Weiser Explains The 'Safe2Tell' Program
Cato Institute Director of Tax Policy Chris Edwards Talks Taxes
18th Judicial DA George Brauchler Unveils Plan To Prevent Gun Violence
The Directors of "The Peanut Butter Falcon" on the Ross Kaminsky Show
Weld Co Sheriff Steve Reams on aftermath of weekend's mass shootings
Dr Alex Del Carmen, Law Enforcement Expert: NYPD action on Eric Garner case
Monument Mayor Don Wilson on Nat'l Pop Vote measure getting on 2020 ballot
Colorado's new Poet Laureate Bobby LeFebre
Comedian Juston McKinney in studio with Ross!
Economist Brian Wesbury on the jobs report, the Fed, tariffs and the budget
Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI) on the Dem debates and fixing our southern border
Antjuan Seawright reacts to the 2nd Democratic Debate
Glenn Stearns: Undercover Billionaire (premieres Tues 8/6 on Discovery)
Don Wilson: Turning in signatures to repeal Nat'l Popular Vote in CO!