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> November 2020
Despite Polis's own draconian decrees, the governor still contracts COVID
Explaining the hypocrisy of Michael Hancock's big Thanksgiving adventure
Biden set to receive first daily presidential briefing next week
US Surgeon General says wearing a mask is an 'instrument' of freedom
Karl Rove on Big Tech's 'constant hostility' toward the center-right
Moderna seeking emergency authorization of their COVID vaccine
ICE Acting Director Tony Pham on "Operation Broken Promise" & more
State Sen Rob Woodward on Loveland businesses not complying w/"Code Red"
Hancock flies to Houston for Thanksgiving, defying own advice to stay home
Biden unveils picks for his national security team
Gov. Cuomo criticized for 'vilifying sheriffs' and dictator-like decrees
NY gym owner tears up 15k COVID business fine on live television
CDC Director Robert Redfield discusses COVID vaccine and holiday travel
Michael's Deep State story behind wanting to quit before Hurricane Katrina
Making sense of the split between Sidney Powell and Trump legal team
Michigan certifies election results for Joe Biden
Lara Trump for North Carolina's Senate in 2022?
Californians take to the streets to protests COVID-19 lockdowns
Trump gives the go-ahead the begin the Biden transition
You say you want a revolution? We'd all love to see the plan
Michael looks wistfully out the window, depressed for dying businesses
Trump's legal team is distancing itself from Sidney Powell
Outrage growing over COVID-19 lockdowns
Governor Greg Abbott declares he will not shutdown Texas anymore
Will the Biden campaign attempt to force transition via legal processes?
Weld Co Sheriff Steve Reams will NOT be enforcing Polis 'level red' mandate
Senator Kelly Loeffler talks about the Senate Runoff
New Yorkers express how they feel about Thanksgiving travel restrictions
Sen. Tom Cotton calls more evidence in court and less press conferences
GOP canvassers in Michigan speaking out after harassment over votes
CU Physics Prof Paul Beale on the hottest and coldest stuff in the universe
Nathan Burrow ( on how to get best holiday shopping deals
Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM, on how to care for our pets in the winter
Jenna Ellis reveals latest on voter fraud allegations, including Colorado
Biden vows not to shut down economy, but to shut down COVID (somehow)
Queen Gretchen issues new decrees, but Michiganders are again fighting back
The great Willie B: After the fire, still doing Cars for Christmas!
Trump's campaign is dropping the lawsuit in Michigan
Employment attorney Martine Wells on new employment rules in Colorado
Fmr Rep Nan Hayworth MD (R-NY) on the GA runoffs and more
Governor Cuomo blaming New Yorkers for the closing of schools
Trump's campaign requests a partial recount of Wisconsin's votes
Reacting to the hypocrisy of COVID shutdowns for Thanksgiving
Kristi Burton-Brown on the future of the Colorado GOP after 2020 Election
Zuckerberg, Dorsey mark tech hearings by proving they don't know jack
Broncos, ski resorts can stay open - while small businesses are left to die
Breaking down President Trump's decision to fire Chris Krebs
Lindsey Graham responds to accusations of pressuring GA to dismiss ballots
New York Sheriff speaks out against Cuomo's Thanksgiving COVID restrictions
Rabbi Raphael Leban: Clean Speech Colorado 2020 (great ideas here)
Rick Green: Other close and controversial American stuff!
Senator Chuck Grassley has contracted COVID-19
Dan Gainor (TechWatch/MRC) on Senate Section 230 hearings
Won't Get Fooled Again: Chris Fusilier, Blake Street Tavern on new lockdown
Michael's favorite Van Morrison songs and other musings
'There's too much consumin' goin' on!' Fighting against incrementalism
Susan Collins pressed on why she refused to vote for Amy Coney Barrett
Some Democratic politicians are violating their own COVID rules
An 'anti-socialist squad' is forming in Congress to combat the progressives
Kevin Williamson (Nat'l Review): "Big White Ghetto" is a must-read
Dr. Joshua Ofman (GRAIL) on cancer screening during COVID & early detection
Georgia recount reveals nearly 2,600 uncounted ballots
Everett Graves, CEO of cool shopping and a discount for you
Neal McCluskey (Cato Inst) on canceling college loan debt
A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action: Trump needs to show proof
Sidney Powell vows to 'release the Kraken,' but Michael has his doubts
Moderna is claiming to have a 94.5% effective COVID-19 vaccine
Gov. Cuomo threatens to sue the Trump Administration over COVID-19 vaccine
MAGA March in Washington overtaken by chaos and violence
Trump refuses to concede even as Biden is planning his transition
Tom Krannawitter on legitimate & controversial elections
Jon Deane ( on College Success Awards during COVID
David Williams (Taxpayers Protection Alliance) on "BidenCare"
George Brauchler gives update on 18th District AG race to replace him
We all have to die of something, but that 'something' shouldn't be fear
When the going gets tough, the weak start giving up and giving in
Immigration officials warn of Biden's stance on reversing Trump's policies
How a GOP controlled Senate could help Biden push back against progressives
Nicole Malliotakis' win flips NY House seat from blue to red
Justice Alito criticizes further COVID lockdowns and 'rule by experts'
Bill O’Reilly's post-election thoughts...and Killing Crazy Horse
Smiles for Veterans: Free dentistry for military 11/13 only
Shawn McWilliams and Anubis Heru of 1170 Armory and Gun Club (in Denver)
Dr. Reagan Anderson: US has "death care" not healthcare
Lynn (Denver) calls out Dick Wadhams for being timid on voting fraud issue
'Show me the money!' time for Trump team to produce evidence of voter fraud
Polis office deleting COVID-related e-mails, what do they have to hide?
Media demanding Trump supporters be held accountable
Pro Trump group claims Big Tech censored them
Georgia announces recount of presidential ballots
Karl Rove speaks on the Democrats shift to the far-left
Updating Michael's sad, plain, black hat after FUE hair procedure
Election 2020: Yogi Berra had it right, 'It ain't over 'til it's over'
Lindsey Graham questions McCabe on Hillary's 'plan' to tie Trump to Russia
Truckers organize strike to oppose Biden's potential fracking ban
What is the 'Trump Accountability Project'?
Thom Tillis victory deals major blow to Dem chance of taking Senate
Fmr Navy SEAL Jack Carr on military service, writing books, and good knives
Capt Gus Biggio USMC: The Wolves of Helmand
ADM James Stavridis's Veterans Day thoughts
Ballots, Tabulating, Canvassing, Certifying: Jonathan Turley on voter fraud
Time to tell Jon to Ossoff, hold Georgia, and keep the Senate 'red'
Daniel Hoffman (fmr CIA): How int'l relations might change in Biden admin
Biden aiming to reverse Trump's immigration policies
Mitch McConnell calls for more COVID relief before the end of 2020
Pfizer claims to have a 90 percent effective COVID-19 vaccine
AG Barr authorizes investigations into voter irregularities
He won't back down: Trump stands his ground on challenging election results
Neil Cavuto interrupts Trump campaign press conference just 56 seconds in
Michael recounts his FUE Advanced Hair Restoration experience with Dr Pauls
Scalise claims far-left's ideas will let GOP retake the House in two years
Is Biden going to impose a national mask mandate?
Buttigieg claims that Joe Biden wants what most Americans want for the US
What is the possible fallout from a Biden victory in the 2020 election?
Lauren Boebert, Congresswoman-Elect (R, CO-3) on winning her US House seat
Jenna Ellis on Trump post-election court fight to 'count every LEGAL vote'
Dr Stephanie Sandhu (Stride CHC) on new COVID cases & what we should do now
President Trump addresses nation on post-election vote-counting confusion
Voting isn't supposed to be easy, Americans are too lazy to make an effort
Even if math isn't there for Trump, Republicans won big on Election Day
Ross listener bonus: Free movie screening 11/5: "Let Him Go" (Lane/Costner)
The Trump campaign has requested a recount of the votes in Wisconsin
Democrats 'disappointed' at failure to flip Senate seats
National Guard activated in Oregon after night of riots
Jim Jordan reacts to lack of great 'blue wave' from the Democratic side
CO Gov Jared Polis on paid family leave, income tax cut, & COVID
Ben's note: I'll be fine, but will Biden voters?
Greg Brophy on CO election results inc State House and Senate
Eric Sondermann recaps the 2020 CO election with Ross (& Kopel NPV link)
The Waiting Is the Hardest Part: It's now time to rethink mail-in ballots
Michael Brown reacts to Wednesday's Joe Biden national address in real time
Madison Cawthorn becomes the youngest person elected to Congress
Pennsylvania gives an update on its vote count
Trump delivers remarks on election night
Protests erupt overnight despite no clear winner in election
Ross congratulates Congresswoman-elect Lauren Boebert
Kurt Cambier and Ross talk about financial market impact of election
Deacon Geoff Bennett on final push to vote 'YES' on Prop 115 in Colorado
Defending your home from Antifa rioters in downtown Denver tonight
Adam Brandon (FreedomWorks) on Senate races and Nat'l Popular Vote in CO
Greg Brophy and Ross have three election bets
Barricading White House on Election Day - who's to blame?
Trump drops more hints about firing Dr. Fauci
Buttigieg claims Trump is taking credit for the Obama economy
Federal judge in Texas rejects GOP attempt to throw out drive-thru ballots
Here's what to expect as ballots are collected and counted
Jenna Ellis, Trump legal adviser describes Election Day momentum first-hand
Pastor Darrell Scott explains why black vote could tip the scales for Trump
Michael and Ryan break down their electoral map predictions for Tuesday
Michael needs recommendations on a new TV - and it CAN'T be Chinese
Trump doubles down on support of the 'Trump Train' that swarmed Biden bus
Comparing Trump's odds in the swing states today vs 2016
Most Americans agree Trump is stronger on the economy than Biden
Lindsey Graham slams mainstream media and talks Trump re-election odds
Ross votes...and it might surprise you! (Hint: I'm not a Never-Trumper)