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> June 2019
Dem strategist Mike Dino talks Democratic debate in Miami, Parts 1 and 2
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos on educational freedom and "sock, shoe"
Steve Schuck on Parents Challenge and visit by Secretary Betsy DeVos
Perry Chiaramonte (Fox News) on human trafficking in the USA
Casper Stockham announces run for CD-6, challenging Jason Crow
Jason Yardley on making health care more consumer friendly
Denise Harle, Alliance Defending Freedom on CT transgender athletes case
DA/JAG George Brauchler on Eddie Gallagher trial and Prop CC
Steve Moore and Ross debate trade and Fed rate cuts
Jeff Roberts (Fortune Mag) on Facebook's planned cryptocurrency, "Libra"
CU Physics Prof Paul Beale on a new Heisenberg Uncertainty experiment!
Jim Burling (Pacific Legal Fdn) on recent and upcoming SCOTUS decisions
Dakota Wood, Heritage Foundation on US response to Iran shooting down drone
Burgess Owens and others testify re reparations
Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Iran and how to stop gov't shutdowns
Stanford's Larry Diamond: "Ill Winds" blowing against democracies
Fmr CO GOP chair Dick Wadhams reflects on Trump 2020 kick-off rally in FL
Pam McColl discusses Univ of Wash study paying expectant moms to smoke weed
Trans Woman Serves Up Lawsuit to Colorado Baker
Rep Jason Crow (D-CO6) on D-Day, gun lawsuits, gov't spending, immigration
Pakistan Minister Accidentally Used Cat Filter On Facebook Live
Helen Raleigh on the significance of mass protests in Hong Kong
Simon Lomax on why Lakewood voters should vote "No" on Question 200
Michael Fields, Colorado Rising Action on TABOR state supreme court ruling
Cathy Kentner is the lead proponent of Lakewood's anti-growth Question 200
Chris Harmer on whether the US should retaliate militarily against Iran
Mark Jackson:Greed. Survival. Redemption: How Dying in Prison Saved My Life
Fmr Bronco Tyler Polombus on the passing of Broncos' owner Pat Bowlen
Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch on the expanding #Dossier scandal
Jeff Hunt, Centennial Institute discusses cost of marijuana legalization
Lu Cordova Head of the CO Dept of Revenue
Andy McCarthy on testifying at House Intel Cmte
Pete Sepp of Nat'l Taxpayers Union: Say no to higher airport taxes!
Governor of Colorado Jared Polis joins Ross from the WGA Meeting in Vail
Do "deepfake" videos pose a serious threat to our democracy and safety?
Larry Schweikart, author of "Reagan: An American President"
Sen Cory Gardner on Space Command, BLM move, Mexico tariffs and more
Governor of North Dakota Doug Burgum joins Ross from the WGA Meeting
Governor of Hawaii David Ige joins Ross from the WGA Meeting in Vail
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly from the Western Governors Association Meeting
Dr. Chelsea Shover discusses her study concluding legalized marijuana has not reduced opioid deaths
Guam Gov Lourdes "Lou" Leon Guerrero joins Ross at WGA!
Dave Krieger, Colorado Sun calls Bennet/Hickenlooper: TweedleDee/TweedleDum
Ross Kaminsky updates on latest from Western Govs Assoc meeting in Vail
Jim Ogsbury Executive Director The Western Governors' Association
Bob Beauprez Former United States Representative
Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt
Harland Williams joins Ross in studio before his ComedyWorks shows!
JeffCo Sup't Jason Glass on potential plan to build a new Columbine HS
David Kopel on amicus brief on behalf of CO sheriffs against magazine ban
Kent Holsinger on being a world-record holder!
Nicki Neily of SpeechFirst on protecting free speech on college campuses
DA George Brauchler discusses Gov Polis comments on sanctuary cities for 2A
Sam Elliott and President Trump give tribute to SGT Ray Lambert
Tim Jackson, CEO CADA on CO Zero-Emissions Vehicles battle w/the state
Elan Journo on whether Palestinians should actually have their own state
Mayor Sean Ford on Commerce City becoming 2nd Amendment sanctuary city
Dan Gabriel (fmr CIA) on his brilliant and gritty new documentary, "MOSUL"
Kelly Maher previews today's Denver's mayoral runoff
Ed Sealover (Denver Business Journal) on key biz issues in mayor's race
Ilya Shapiro (Cato Institute) on SCOTUS challenges to "delegation" of power
Larimer Co Sheriff Justin Smith explains CO as a "new criminal sanctuary"
Dave Proffit President & Founder of American Heroes in Action
Chef Bill on the Air Force graduation ceremony